2020 Year in Review

Wow! Where do I even begin? This has been such a crazy year. Let me update you briefly on 2018 and 2019…as we’ve been extremely busy!

2018 year in review

2019 year in review

2020 year in review



Our 3 year wedding anniversary! Date brunch while the kids are in daycare.

Arden’s 2nd bday

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Garrett’s 1st bday

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Things were going just fine until COVID19 started!

What is COVID-19?

This is a viral pandemic that will be remembered for decades to come. Here’s the tracking info on COVID19.


Leport was shutdown from March 16 – June 16, 2020. During the 3 month of home quarantine (masks on, businesses closed, social distancing, etc.), my mom came during the week to help with the kids. Additionally, we had one of the teachers from school here in the mornings from 8a-1p and a different teacher from 2p-5:30p. My work volume/caseload went down as elective surgeries were cancelled and Ross was working from home. However, we were able to appreciate the time we had together with the kids.


During this time, we bought our retirement home in Seaside, OR and closed on the property in the beginning of May. We’re so excited to go and visit our place in August!



The kids are doing so well in school. Garrett is enjoying his Spanish toddler class, and Arden is about to graduate Spanish toddlers into Spanish primary!! Despite the trying year of 2020 with the quarantines and new ways of life, our little family is doing so well!! My mom, our neighbor Karen, various nannies (Jillian, Andrea, Elvira, Emily) have helped so much in making this year doable with two small kids and full-time jobs. Ross has been an amazing husband and father and helped me tackle everything this Covid19 pandemic threw at us. Cheers to 2021 and to many more years of life, love, and happiness!